Out of Stock
Dear XTorch followers:
We are saying the big GoodBye, closing up shop and ending our business.
Due to complicated health issues, our changing views of dealing with China as a manufacturing base, and family priorities – we are retiring.
After ten years of designing, manufacturing and distributing the XTorch, we would like to report that this saga has been very challenging, rewarding, frustrating and more work than we ever would have initially imagined; The good part is that after everything was said and done, we ended up donating most of all of our potential profit in the form of many thousands of XTorches to non-profit organizations around the world- just as we had planned.
We are also very happy not to have sold our business on SHARK TANK when they offered us the buy-out deal; The best part is that we kept complete control of our business and donations and by the grace of God we did just fine on our own, so take that, Sharks
Thanks so much to everyone who supported our mission to bring light and back-up battery power to remote parts of the world;
We were able to send the XTorch to Sierra Leone, Tanzania, Uganda, The Ukraine, Haiti, Dominican Republic, Guatemala, Venezuela, Colombia, Kenia, Burkina Faso, Honduras, Puerto Rico, and many more!
Because of the XTorch, many lives have improved, cell phones keep charging, and children feel safe having a reliable light at home when the power goes out.
We wish you the very best and that your XTorch continues to be part of your adventures.
With gratitude,
Gene, Keidy, and the kids